Monday, January 16, 2017

What happens when weather affects school? Today, most of central and eastern Nebraska schools are not in session due to a major ice storm, Jupitor, moving through the state. It truly is not safe to be outside, not to mention to be driving. Students are not in school today, which is good.

What happens to the learning, when school is not in session? Many say that if a district is using a blended or online learning, that classwork should continue. I think that is true as well, to a point. In Nebraska, it is nice to have a day off on occasion because of a bad weather day. Teachers like have this day as well. 

The issue of asking the question, "Does learning still occur even when school is not in session?" is really about the activity assigned to students for the online learning component. Is it a "worksheet" that has been converted to a digital version? Is the online learning a writing assignment? Or is the assignment to read text online. Are teachers evaluating the assigned online work to be engaging for students rather than something to do for the sake of "homework?"

In reality this isn't specific to "Snow" day assignments. This is often observed in a regular face-to-face classroom that utilizes technology. The concept of using technology to enhance or to engage students is easy to consider, but difficult to implement. Dr. Ruben Puentedura, has developed a SAMR model of technology integration. Common Sense Media includes an article about this concept at  Take a moment to read and watch the video included in the article. What are your thoughts when moving above the line of SA | MR? 

Monday, January 2, 2017

This holiday break, I listened to Shonda Rhimes, "The Year of YES". My friend Molly Aschoff posted on Facebook as a recommendation and I borrowed the book from Nebraska Overdrive system. I listened to the book and have been inspired to live a year of YES.

My first YES is to give a keynote at Boone Central schools the first day back at work! I am very nervous, but excited.

My second YES, is to create and post to a blog. I plan to use this blog to share what I am observing in blended classrooms throughout Nebraska.

Here I go on my Year of YES!